About MEEEEE :)

Hi, My name is April Vest.  I am a mom to an almost 2 yr old girl (terrible two's start earlier than two btw), I work full time at a day job that I pretty much dread, and  I have started my own business (photography, yes).  I'm not a single mom but my fiance is out of town for work for a whole year so basically, I'm a single mom.  I Have the most amazing support system though.  My parents are my heros and they always have and always will believe in me.  They are my biggest fans :)  and that's a pretty great compliment.  My fiance's family are right up there with mine.  If not for these people I would feel so completely stuck in a minimum wage job and not even attempt to be doing something that makes me as happy as photography does.  If I could support myself and my family with something I am passionate about....well then I would truly be the happiest girl you have ever met.  So I'm working on it.  I'm trying to be patient and I am SO excited about this journey! 

If you are interested in contacting me for a session or checking out prices, please visit my website.  www.photophirephotography.com.  (psssst, facebook friends get better discounts)  www.facebook.com/photophire

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!!