Monday, June 13, 2011

I've been bad about blogging lately.  Lot's of little things going on but nothing big until this weekend!  For anyone interested in my other side project, which is doing virtual tours, check out and go to the real estate blog.  I've posted a couple up there. Also, I have now started a new website dedicated to just my photography  It is still a work in progress but it will continue to grow as I build my portfolio.  Other than that, this weekend I have a sweet little four year old boy to photograph AND THEN, all of the Brissette grandkids!  That would only be 4 kids so far BUT they are all under 4 yrs old so that's like .....doubling it. lol.  I will definitely have my work cut out for me!  I have a feeling I'm going to be sore. 

Until then my friends, you may gawk at my little munchkin again.  She got a new ladybug swimsuit :)  I love ladybugs.

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